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My Wedding Ring is Stuck in My Sink! What Should I Do?

Since you’re reading this, chances are you’ve got an urgent situation happening right now. Your wedding ring has fallen down the sink drain, and you have questions! Thankfully, there is a good chance you will see your precious memento again. 

If you don’t feel confident addressing the situation, we recommend contacting a professional plumber. Abel Plumbing is happy to help with any plumbing services you may need around Buffalo, MN.

Step 1: Figure out if your p-trap is removable, aka the curved pipe underneath the sink. This plumbing trap looks like a sideways letter “P.” The purpose of this trap is to stop sewer gases, but today is may hace caught your ring!

Step 2: Removing your p-trap to retrieve the ring. Once you know that your p-trap can be removed without reaching out to a professional, it’s time to get started. Start with putting down a bucket and rags to catch the mess underneath as you open the trap.

  • Loosen the trap. Some traps actually have an access drain you can pull out to let the water flow right into the bucket! Usually, however, you’ll have to unscrew the washers to detach the bend of the trap. 

  • Find the ring. Once you detach the trap and tip it over, the ring should fall right into the bucket!

  • Reattach the trap. 

Step 3. If all else fails, call a professional plumber. Your valuables are worth it, after all. A professional will know how to do the work quickly and find your ring without harming the pipes.

Contact Abel Plumbing for drain cleaning or plumbing services around Buffalo, MN.

Suzie Meier