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Are Sump Pumps Necessary?

When it comes to plumbing appliances, a sump pump can play an important role in protecting your home from water damage and flooding. But, you may be wondering if installing a sump pump is truly necessary. Keep reading to learn what a sump pump is, how it works, and whether your home should have one.

What are sump pumps? A sump pump is a plumbing appliance installed in the low point of your basement or crawlspace where they pump out any water that collects in the sump basin. Even if your basement area is not prone to flooding, if you have excess moisture around your home's foundations, a sump pump may help.

What causes water build-up? Moisture and water problems in basements and crawlspaces are not uncommon. You've probably heard horror stories about floods and mold problems. You may have even smelled a musty odor in your own basement, indicating excess moisture. Reasons water & moisture buildup in basements:

  • Plumbing leak

  • Rainstorms

  • Incorrect grading or drainage around your home

  • Damaged or improperly installed rain gutters

While basements are very common in Minnesota, many older homes were not built with the idea that the basement would be an extension of the home’s living space. Consequently, adequate drainage and moisture control weren't always a top priority. Nowadays basement conversions have become more popular. If your basement was converted to living space we recommend installing a sump pump to avoid water and moisture build-up.

Benefits of installing a sump pump. A new sump pump installed by a professional plumber can help remove excess water from your basement, protecting it and your belongings from water damage. Other benefits include:

  • Reduces the chances of mold and mildew growth, especially after a flood or other emergency

  • Reduces humidity in your basement and can support good indoor air quality

  • Protects personal belongings and furniture from water damage

While there are many benefits to sump pumps, this does not necessarily mean that all homes require them. Before investing in a sump pump, you should discuss your options with a professional plumber.

Already have a sump pump?! Consider having a battery backup sump pump installed to supplement your primary pump by giving you several hours of additional protection from water damage if your primary pump fails. A backup pump brings peace of mind when spring rain season rolls around.

To find out if a sump pump is right for you, reach out to Abel Plumbing for guidance.

Suzie Meier