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Should You Add a Water Treatment System to Your Plumbing?

If you get your water from the municipal supply it goes through a treatment process before it reaches your home. This includes steps like chlorination to help sterilize the water. Which to some people, these steps mean you can trust the water right from your kitchen sink. Others, wary of drinking water that comes from the city’s pipes, use filtered pitchers, or refrigerator filters to get clean water.

An option that has been gaining popularity is a whole-house water treatment system. Keep reading to find out if this type of system fits your home, and why you might decide to have all of the water in your home treated by a professionally installed system.

Signs your water quality is suffering.

Poor water quality may be obvious or subtle… look for these signs when you want to know if water treatment is urgent:

  • Foul odors

  • Poor taste

  • Discoloration

  • Visible impurities

Keep in mind that rusty flakes in the water are likely a sign of problems within your pipes rather than problems with the water.

When to schedule water testing.

We strongly recommend scheduling a water test, especially if you have never had one done during the course of your homeownership. Even if you’re using a filtered pitcher or refrigerator, the quality of your water you use for showering, brushing your teeth, and cleaning your clothes should also be clean. 

Why you might need a water softener

A water softener isn’t necessarily installed for your health, but more so for your home. If you have hard water in your home, you might notice these symptoms:

  • Water spots on dishes

  • Hair feels rough or sticky

  • Buildup around faucets and drains

The big issue can be the buildup around your faucet and drains. This is an indication you have build up in your pipes, reducing volume and requiring premature replacement.

Why you might need a water purifier

If you suspect poor water quality or if your water testing reveals impurities, you’ll want a different kind of solution. A water purifier kills off germs like bacteria as they pass through the pipes, making your water safer to drink. A reverse osmosis system uses a thin membrane to filter out nearly everything but pure water. 

Abel Plumbing installs and services water treatment systems in Buffalo, MN, and the surrounding areas. We would be happy to answer your questions about water softeners and purifiers to help determine which option would be best for your home.

Suzie Meier