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A Guide to Scaling and Hard Water Solutions

Hard water is a term that is sometimes not well understood. It means there are higher than normal levels of minerals in the water. Fortunately, it isn’t harmful to drink, however, it can be hard on a home’s plumbing system. Hard water causes scaling, which is a problem for water heaters, pipes, and other appliances. It can also cause irritants when washing clothes in laundry machines, resulting in stiff, coarse, and faded clothing. So what really is scaling and what can be done about it?

What is scaling?

Scale or limescale is a substance that starts to form inside of pipes and other appliances because of minerals in the water. You may have seen evidence of scaling in your home before on glasses or pots. If you hold up a glass to the light and it appears cloudy after is has been washed, that is the formation of limescale. The higher the level of minerals in the water, the heavier the scaling.

What is the problem with limescale?

Other than glass that constantly looks dirty, limescale is a major issue for plumbing. The scale you see showing up on your glasses is minor compared to what is being built up on your pipes if you have hard water. The minerals in hard water include calcites, and these form a tough, hard buildup inside pipes. This buildup can become thick enough to raise the water pressure in the pipes which will lead to leaks and increase the frequency of clogging in pipes.

Limescale is also very hard on water-using appliances. If your water heater tank has a layer of limescale, it can cause it to overheat and breakdown. Scaling can also ruin a tankless water heater since only a small amount of scale in the heat exchanger can stop the water from flowing through the system. 

What can be done to stop hard water and limescale?

Since hard water originates outside of your home, the best approach is to have a water softener installed. A water softener uses ion exchange to swap hard water ions for sodium ions, removing the hard water minerals. 

If you think you need a water softener in Buffalo, MN or you need repairs to deal with limescale troubles, get in touch with us. We have multiple options of water softeners available to fit your needs and home. 

Suzie Meier